Harbingers of Death and Justice

Hands of Judgement

The end has arrived. Along with it; the trials and judgement. Will you be called upon the test? Breath easy and enjoy the entertainment while you cling to your faith that the fires won’t devour your soul.

The Justice

Once a prominent practitioner of the law, Justice was set to become the next Authority of the Court under the behest of his predecessor. Having grown quite weary of his profession, Justice sought fulfillment in punishing those who stood accused of wrongdoings within his court for he felt that it was better that ten innocents perish rather than allowing one guilty criminal escape. Upon the discovery of the perverse nature of Justice’s trials, the Authority of the Court attempted to recuse Justice for his despicable proceedings, but the trials had grown to a public spectacle. Justice always had witness testimony, a plea of guilt, the blessings of the church, and the means of execution. As the accusations grew rampant, so began the Trials By Fire.

The Executioner

Abandoned at birth, The Executioner spent his early upbringing in a religious orphanage. Volunteering in the oddest of chores, the other children steered away from the young Executioner for his abnormal interest in expired creatures around the premises. Never being adopted, he aged from the care and found himself as an apprentice to a prominent headsman. On the eve of an important trial, the Headsman fell ill leaving the Executioner the only abled apprentice to fulfill the duties bestowed by the court. With a sickening knack for his trade, he executed his duties to the proudest of abilities. Pleased with his exceptional skills, the court took a liking to the young man where he would soon meet a disgraced Justice.

The Monsignor

Devoted to his studies from a young age, and noticed by the higher clergy the Monsignor was dubbed. Believing in the innate purity bestowed within man, the Monsignor found a distaste for the corrupt nature witnessed amongst his peers. Driven by his desire to purify the sanctity of his beliefs, the Monsignor gradually became disillusioned with the immoral nature of his fellow. To rid the heresy before him, he sought Justice with news that an Accuser has discovered occultists among them.

The Interrogator

“I’m asking the fucking questions around here!” -The Interrogator

Very talented in his profession and has helped the court convict many for various crimes. Having gotten a lust for interrogation, it has been rumored that he himself has been exposed to the very methods he excels at applying.

-No further known information